Welcome to alt-photo-process-l
Welcome to the alt-photo-process-l mailing list.
You have recently subscribed to this mailing list.
This message was sent to you automatically when you subscribed
to this list. The alt-photo-process mailing list is hosted by
the University of Saskatchewan as a public service to the
academic community. It uses a small but not insignifigant
portion of the University's human and computer resources.
All email messages sent through this list are archived. If
you do not wish to have your email address and your messages
made public do not post messages to this list. I do not
release anyone's name or email address from the subscription
list. The subscription list is not available to the public.
If you ever change your email address, please unsubscribe
from this list prior to changing or quitting your email
In order to post a message to this list you must be subscribed
to the list first. If you recieved this message automatically,
you are likely already subscribed.
To POST A MESSAGE to this list send a message with your email
program to the address: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
please note that this is the letter l not the number one Sending
an email message to this address sends the same message to
everyone who is currently subscribed to the
alt-photo-process-l list.
To UNSUBSCRIBE send a message to the address
with the message
unsubscribe alt-photo-process-l
please note that this is the letter l not the number one
Unsubscribing removes your email address from the mailing list
subscription list. Once unsubscribed you will no longer receive
email messages sent to this list.
The Mailserv program that is used to run this mailing list does
NOT support digests. Digests are not available for this list.
A digest refers to the ability of a mailing list program to
gather all the postings for one day together and send it as
one large email message.
The purpose of this mailing list is to discuss alternative
photographic printing processes. This refers to almost any
process that does not use the current silver-gelatin printing
materials. Common alternative photographic processes include;
cyanotype, gum-bichromate, platinum, carbon, etc.
ETIQUETTE -----------------------
SEND ONLY PLAIN TEXT MESSAGES. This is the default method for
most email programs. Please send email messages to the list
as ascii text (often called plain text, or DOS text) This
is the only standard that all email
programs will accept. If you send messages using another
standard most recipients will not be able to easily read your
DO NOT SEND MESSAGES AS HTML. Many of the newer email packages
will send messages in the html format (the format used for web
pages). HTML files are very difficult to read if the
recipient's email program is not capable of interpreting html.
usually very large files. The program that runs the mailing
list is not capable of handling large files effectively.
Attachments will never reach many of the list members.
A lot of list members do not have systems capable of handling
attachments. Attachments are also specific for a particular
software package. It is presumptuous to assume that everyone
is using the same software as you.If there is something you
would like list members to see that cannot be sent as an ascii
text message, put it on web site and refer to its address, or
offer to send people an attachment privately (not via the
mailing list).
The purpose of this list is to discuss alternative
photographic process, it is not an advertising
medium. However members are always interested in new sources
of materials and services. If you are selling a product or
service it is acceptable to send a brief message to the list
giving further contact information.
The alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca mailing list is managed by
Gordon J. Holtslander.
My email address is holtsg@duke.usask.ca.
If you have any difficulties using this list please feel free
to email me. The most frequent problem people have is confusing
the l (the letter l) in alt-photo-process-l -> (the letter l)
with a 1 (the number one). If you are new to the internet and
all this sounds unfamiliar point your web browser to this
location http://home.netscape.com/netcenter/newnet/whatis.html
This is Netscape's introduction to the internet.
ELECTRONIC MAILING LISTS-----------------------
Email lists use a central email address to distribute messages.
Messages sent to this central email address are copied and
sent to all the people who are currently participating.
Sending a message to the list is often called posting a
This list uses the email address: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca.
In order to participate in the mailing list your email address
must be added to the list. This is called "subscribing" to the
list. This is done by sending an email message to the mailing
list program - this is ALWAYS a different address than the
address used to post messages. See below for details.
If you have received this message, you are already subscribed
to the list. Once you are subscribed you will receive all the
messages sent to the list, and you will be albe to send
messages to the list.
If you no longer wish to receive messages from this list you
may unsubscribe at any time. Your email address will be
removed and you will stop receiving postings sent to this list.
To unsubscribe from this list send an email message to the
address alt-photo-process-request@sask.usask.ca
with the following text in the body of the message
unsubscribe alt-photo-process-l
Please note this is the letter "el"(l) not the number one (1)
To subscribe from this list send an email message to the
address alt-photo-process-request@sask.usask.ca
with the following text in the body of the message
subscribe alt-photo-process-l
Please note this is the letter "el"(l) not the number one (1)
Every one must treat each other with respect. Please feel
free to disagree, but do it with respect. The
alt-photo-process list is generally good natured.
However if you feel that someone is being inappropriate
please contact that person privately with your concerns.
Please email me a copy (cc holtsg@duke.usask.ca) of your
concerns. If you are not comfortable confronting another
individual please forward your concerns to me and I will
pass them on to the appropriate person.
Please remember - when you send a posting there are 500
people listening.
Messages to this list are saved and stored in two different
ways. Newcomers to the list might want to look through the
archives. The archives are presented in two different ways.
Each message is converted to a www page. An index page is
maintained listing all the messages. It is possible to
generate an index page based on the message's topic, thread,
author or date. They are available from the site
I think this is the most efficient way of going through the
archives. Messages are updated usually monthly. Please
note that Gregory Walker does this as a volunteer, on his
own time and pays for the web site out of his own pocket.
This archive site contains almost all message posted to the
list since its inception around 1994.
You must use a world wide web browser like Netscape,
Internet Explorer, or lynx at access this site. You can
not access it with email
Messages posted after May 1 1997 have been stored in an
email based system. Messages posted to the list are added
to the archive on a continual (usually daily) basis. An
index of messages and individual messages can be emailed
to you by email commands to the mailserv program that
runs this mailing list.
INDEX -----
To get an index of messages send an email message to the
address: mailserv@usask.ca
with the command
send [alt-photo-process]archives.lst
this gives you a list of files in two columns. On one
side is the subject line of email messages. On the
other is the filename mailserv has given that messages.
To retrieve a message send an email message to the
address: mailserv@sask.usask.ca
with the command
send [alt-photo-process]filename
replace filename with the filename of the message you
wish to retrieve.
THE BIG FAQ -------------------------------------
I maintain a world wide web FAQ for this list. It
contains a brief introduction to the popular alternative
photographic processes, a list of publications on doing
alternative photographics processes, a list of
suppliers, and links to a variety of other related
The address of this FAQ is
This list was started in March of 1994 by myself and
Steve Avery. Steve Avery managed the list until
February of 1997. The list then moved to this site
and I took over its management Gord Holtslander