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RE: The "Offended" re-replies.. or Green Eggs & Spam

I don't have the ad that you asked for, but occasionally I got one that says "how to enlarge your breasts naturally." Since I can't imagine how that can be natural for me, I just hit the delete key.
Maybe I can forward it to you next time I receive it.

From: Ender100@aol.com [mailto:Ender100@aol.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:44 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: The "Offended" re-replies.. or Green Eggs & Spam

I confess that I have turned off my spam filter because it was working too well.  I do use my delete key (based on topic) quite proficiently. 

Could someone please forward me the ad for penis reduction?

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson
Precision Digital Negatives