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Re: TNX FOR curve drawing program

Hello Bob,

Here's a prog that may help with your data:



BOB KISS wrote:
Thanks for your recommendations re curve programs. I will experiment with
Excel first and pursue the more expensive alternatives if I am not happy.

Please check my website: http://www.bobkiss.com/

"Live as if you are going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you are going to
live forever". Mahatma Gandhi

-----Original Message-----
From: etienne garbaux [mailto:photographeur@nerdshack.com]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 10:16 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Tnx & curve drawing program?

Bob wrote:

Does anyone know of a curve drawing program that I can use to plot D-Log E
curves from the densities that I read off the test strips I create with my
step wedge?
Do you have Excel? The graphing function should do this.

Best regards,


ps. Is there a reason your Subject lines have to shout (all caps)?