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Re: resolving banding problems

Fantastik is also good for cleaning print heads (I'm assuming that's what
you're using Windowlene for...I couldn't open the attachment you sent).

Camden Hardy


On Mon, September 4, 2006 2:54 pm, Tom Sobota wrote:
> Rajul,
> Here you can find a description of Windolene:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windolene
> If you cannot find it in your country, perhaps you
> will find some equivalent cleaner.
> Tom Sobota
> Venkatram Iyer wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I am appending something I pulled out of a google search "Epson 1270
>> roller marks" that Mark suggested earlier. Is this a good way to go? If
>> so, the local computer store does not know about "Windolene". Where does
>> one get that?
>> Camden, I could not pull anything out of the Printer Software CD on the
>> 1270 that even vaguely alludes to 'Ink Configuration'. Perhaps Windolene
>> may be the panacea.
>> Many thanks for your input.  Rajul