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RE: Dynasty film for PDN?

This does sound like an interesting product. It does sound vaguely familiar
to some of the Agfa products sold only in Europe. I wonder what it's
manufacturing heritage might be?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Moore [mailto:jeremydmoore@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 1:31 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Dynasty film for PDN?

Thanks for the heads up, Sam. I've still got a small stack of the
ultrafine i need to work through, but at $175/100 13x19 sheets I'd be
interested in trying this out. Maybe Mark can get some free samples to
test out for us (if not I'd be willing to call and see if I could get
5 sheets to test with).


On 9/6/06, sam wang <stwang@clemson.edu> wrote:
> Has anyone tried the Dyansty Screen Print Inkjet Film sold by Photo
> Warehouse, the same source for Ultrafine transparency films?
> http://www.ultrafineonline.com/dyscprinfi.html
> It's sold only in rolls. It may be worth checking out and see if it can
> be used for PDN negatives. Cost is considerably lower than Pictorico.
> Sam