U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Less than 2¢ worth - anyone making your ownpigments?

Re: Less than 2¢ worth - anyone making your ownpigments?

I have a three-colour gum of Todi, in Umbria, where the red pigment is made 
from mud dug up in a lane by our rented holiday house (about 20 km from 
Todi). Basically the pigment was prepared by dispersing the mud in water, 
then settling out/pouring off several times over a period of a couple of days, 
and finally filtering the stuff that wouldn't settle, drying off and pulverising 
with a pestle and mortar. It suspends in gum very well, and doesn't stain. I'd 
call it Raw Umbria, but it's redder than that.

best wishes

> From: stwang@bellsouth.net
> Date: 2006/09/11 Mon PM 03:36:18 BST
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: Less than 2¢ worth - anyone making your own
>  pigments?
> A painter gave me some powder pigments he made from the local earth 
around Lake Hartwell. They worked very well in my initial gum tests. Just 
wondering if anyone else has been making pigment for alt processes.
> By the way, it was a lot more involved than just digging up some dirt. My 
friend enlisted help from the chemistry department, for instance.
> Sam Wang

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