Re: Selenium-toning Van Dyke Brown prints
Jordan, I've toned VDBs in Kodak's Selenium before, and I was actually quite disappointed. I guess I just prefer the untoned colors for my VDB prints. Camden Hardy camden[at]hardyphotography[dot]net On Mon, September 25, 2006 9:06 am, Jordan Wosnick wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > I would be interested in hearing from people who selenium-tone their > VDB prints. > > I was prepared to be disappointed when I tried it (based on Wynn > White's article on Unblinkingeye and posts on APUG) but was actually > quite pleased. I used a tiny amount of Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner > (literally a few drops in a tray of water) and toned after fixing. The > colour change began almost immediately and eliminated the somewhat > sickly reddish-brown of the VDB, pushing it much closer to a warm > gray-brown. > > Based on what I had read, I was expecting a huge amount of image > reduction, but I didn't see much at all. > > Anyone else tone their VDBs in KRST? > > Thanks > > Jordan > > > -- > > > Jordan Wosnick > >