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RE: fixing van dyke

One obvious concern is that Ilford Rapid wash is probably pH of about 5.

Also, I'm not sure of Ilford concentrate, but my fixer (Silvergrain
Clearfix) is approaching 60% ammonium thiosulfate (weight per volume).

Also, I'm not sure if all MSDS percentage is weight per volume. Some may
use weight per weight, as they tend to measure everything in weight in
an industrial plant. This makes little difference if specific gravity is
close to 1 but fixer concentrate is clearly much heavier than 1.

On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 10:55:16 +0300, "Loris Medici"
<mail@loris.medici.name> said:
> AFAIK (not sure), rapid fixer contains around 45% - 48% Ammonium
> Thiosulfate. Since I fix using 2% Sodium Thiosulfate (for not more than
> 1 - 1:30 minute), I would try 1 part Ilford Rapid Fixer + 24 parts water
> (for 1 minute again) and see what happens... !?
> Regards,
> Loris.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gordon J. Holtslander [mailto:Gordon.Holtslander@usask.ca] 
> Sent: 29 Eylül 2006 Cuma 07:30
> To: alt-photo-process-L@usask.ca
> Subject: fixing van dyke
> Hi:
> I had someone ask me about fixing van dyke brown with Ilford Rapid Fix. 
> Does anyone have a good recomendation for a dilution that won't bleach
> the print?
> Gord