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RE: Potentially stupid pt/pd question

Success!  I finally managed to get a very nice looking step wedge...even
better than the Coventry Rag, in my opinion.

The trick with this paper seems to be no himidity, and no drying time.  I
coated the paper in 20% RH, and as soon as the coat was dry to the touch I
exposed it.  The dmax is now back to what I would expect it to be.

I also ran a side by side test where I let the coating dry for 10 minutes
before exposing, which looked almost as bad as the first try.  Turns out
10 minutes to dry is too long.

It seems that exposing while the paper's still wet gives me just the right
amoung of moisture without letting the emulsion soak in too much.

My next test will be to pre-humidify the paper before coating.  I think
this might help get a smoother coat.  If I come across anything
interesting I'll post those results as well.

Filtering the developer also made a world of difference.  No more staining.

So here's my official opinion on the Coventry Vellum for pt/pd. 
Beautiful.  It's a really nice paper, once you get a workflow
that...works.  If anyone's interested I can post some scans of these step
wedge tests on my website.

Thanks to those who assisted me on this.

Camden Hardy
