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Re: How many gum layers (Re: ferri sesquichlorati)

On Oct 25, 2006, at 8:49 AM, Katharine Thayer wrote:

" Otherwise, why not just start with an image, invert it and make a negative of any unknown density without a curve and keep fiddling with it until you get what you want in the print."

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Well, indeed, why not. Like Keith, this is exactly my approach and as Keith says, it works fine. And as Chris showed last week, it works good for her too. Her tricolor gum made from inverted uncurved channels was cyan-biased, but that's not a function of the curves, that's a function of the selectiion of pigment concentration of the three pigments in relation to each other.
And in fact if the cyan layer did happen to be too strong, that could be corrected by developing it longer, to bring it into balance with the other colors. That's why I always do the cyan layer last, because it's the crucial layer; keeping an eye on its development is usually the key to a good tricolor print.