U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: gum curves

RE: gum curves

Thanks for that Sandy. All that you've wrote tells me that I'm in the
right direction. I've just started to adjust my gum / pigment /
dichromate / exposure amnts. aiming to get the same amnt. of steps (or
close to each other) on step tablet test prints for each color I've
chosen - hoping this will equalize the contrast of each color layer.
Then I will start to calibrate a curve for each printing protocol. Doing
so, I hope to get a fairly balanced result in the end... Absolutely no
problems if I don't; it will be a good exercise anyway! :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy King [mailto:sanking@clemson.edu] 
Sent: 31 Ekim 2006 Salı 15:07
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: gum curves


One of the advantages of making separations with digital negatives is 
that you can actually make curves that will give true color from what 
are essentially unbalanced tissue, pigment or dye sets. However, this 
involves making curves for each color that correct or compensate for 
the higher or lower contrast of the sets. I would not claim that this 
can not be done without a sophisticated method of making curves, but 
it would certainly be very hard to do so.