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Re: Banding on Pictorico with Epson 2200

Hi Sandy,


I know two people—Dick Arentz and myself hehehehe

Right now I am using both an R2400 and the R1800 for my primary printers. If I suspect an image will have the "Venetian Blind" effect, I make the negative with the R1800.  The R1800 is very sharp and very smooth, but lacks color density for processes with longer exposure scales.  If you use all the inks to print a "gray scale" negative, you can get a lot more density, but you are limited to a single exposure scale. 

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson
Precision Digital Negatives

In a message dated 10/31/06 6:47:37 AM, sanking@clemson.edu writes:


Do you know of anyone making good digial negatives with the R1800. I bought one of these printers a year or so ago but returned it because, 1) the pigmented set produced low transmission density in UV in the green, and 2) it caused pizza wheel marks on the OHP materials. Otherwise, the image was very smooth and sharpt, noticeably more so than with the 2200.
