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RE: Ferric Oxalate or Ferric Ammonium Oxalate

So you're saying that: if you lower the Fe concentration so that it is
balanced to your KPt solution "which is close to saturation" (but not
saturated), then there shouldn't be any problems - except max. density
loss due to less strong sensitizer. Am I getting it right?

My understanding of Mike's explanation was that AFO and K salts don't
get well together because of formation of some unsoluble compound -
which is not good if you want a rich and grainless image with smooth
transitions. He wasn't complaining about having to use a less strong
sensitizer at all.

Well, I have to ask him -> maybe what he shared back then was completely
unapplicable to Pt/Pd chemistry. (Remember, the context was Chrysotype
-> gold in our correspondence.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Neilsen [mailto:ejnphoto@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: 07 Kasım 2006 Salı 09:02
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: Ferric Oxalate or Ferric Ammonium Oxalate

Loris, I believe it is two fold. That ammonium platinum salt can get to
a .7M solution just like the ammonium palladium concentration that he
suggest along with a 1.4 M AFO so that your solution is balanced. 

Eric Neilsen Photography
4101 Commerce Street
Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
Skype ejprinter

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Loris Medici [mailto:mail@loris.medici.name]
> Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 4:16 PM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: RE: Ferric Oxalate or Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
> Oops! Potassium Oxalate is soluble!!!
>  I don't remember exactly but Mike told me that K metal salts and AFO 
> will cause formation of an insoluble salt which incorporates K and 
> Oxalate (and possibly something else)... In this correspondence, the 
> context was Chrysotype but I think this is applicable to Pt/Pd 
> printing also; since he doesn't use the ordinary K salts, he uses the 
> NH4 salts instead (this should hint some problems related with K 
> salts).
> Regards,
> Loris.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Loris Medici [mailto:mail@loris.medici.name]
> Sent: 04 Kasım 2006 Cumartesi 00:08
> To: 'alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca'
> Subject: RE: Ferric Oxalate or Ferric Ammonium Oxalate
> ...My understanding is that Mike doesn't like K salts because it may 
> cause forming of Potassium Oxalate which is insoluble, therefore will 
> cause a gritty sensitizer...