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RE: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt

Title: RE: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt
Hi Don,

No, I did not give a specific value for reflection Dmax. However, reflection Dmax values are very high, comparable or better than anything I have managed to get in the past with DOP palladium printing. Some of the prints I made today have Dmax values well over 1.5.

I should make it clear that I have very good control of RH in the working room, and it is being maintained in the 60% + range.

Even so, bear in mind that I am a neophyte with this method of printing, and nevertheless am getting really nice results.



At 8:28 PM -0500 11/10/06, Don Bryant wrote:

May I ask if you can quote a log density value for your DMAX? Sorry if I
missed this.


Don Bryant

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy King [mailto:sanking@clemson.edu]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 5:52 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt


It appears that the white, irregular spots I
described earlier resulted from using too little
of the sensitizing solution. With this method the
paper seems to need about 20-25% more solution
than with DOP Pt./Pd.

In any event I increased the amount of solution
for the coating area, and added a few drops of a
surfactant, and today made four very nice 12X17"
prints with the Ware POP method, with no
irregular spots. I am very pleased with the good
Dmax I am getting with this method at RH of about
55%, and the color of the prints is a nice warm
sepia, not unlike what you get with warm
potassium oxalate in DOP.

Sandy King

At 8:35 AM +0200 11/10/06, Loris Medici wrote:
>Hi Sandy,
>What is your coating / drying procedure?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sandy King [mailto:sanking@clemson.edu]
>Sent: 10 KasĪm 2006 Cuma 08:23
>To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
>Subject: RE: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt
>One issue I have seen with a few of the AFO
>PT./Pd. is small white spots, irregular in shape
>and some larger than others, and all in the
>shadows and lower mid-tones. I suspect that they
>may be caused by the sensitizer separating from
>the paper during exposure, or more likely when
>the negative is separated from the paper after
>exposure, perhaps due to moisture content. I use
>a vacuum frame and the pressure, even though not
>great, may cause the separation. With FO Pt./PD I
>typically dry the coated paper only about fifteen
>minutes and have never had this kind of issue.
>With the POP process I am finding that there is
>some risk of the white spots unless drying times
>are much longer. As I mentioned earlier, I am
>working in a room with RH of about 50-55%.
>Of course, the problem might be something else,
>such as something in the sensitizer or method of
>coating. I am very new to this method of printing
>and still trying to learn to recognizes the cause
>of problems.