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Re: George Eastman House grant


Congratulations on the grant!  That should be an exciting time in Rochester!  I hope Tom doesn't yawn too much.... maybe you can send him into the City to wander around Times square...

Does this mean you are a  step closer to writing the definitive book on gum??????

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System
PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups

In a message dated 11/13/06 9:13:29 AM, zphoto@montana.net writes:

Dear All,
I received some great news this week; I was awarded a grant to fly to
Rochester and spend a week or two at the George Eastman House researching
gum printing. It is such a wonderful feeling when your university believes
in what you are doing!  Especially since I am in the arts and not in the
field of science, where the usual funding money flows to (MSU reached the
100 million mark this year).

Since I teach a full load next semester, Tom and I will probably fly in
there the first week of January, if all goes according to plan.  Is there
anyone on the list who lives there/any alt group who will be having a
meeting there at that time? I know this is doubtful, right after the
holidays, but it'd be great to get together an alt list group! Daytime I
will be busy at the library, but it closes at 5:00.

I figured since RIT is in the area, there have got to be some great photo
things going on.  And I assume Toronto is close by?  Close by Montana
standards, anyway--maybe 3 hours?  I don't know if a rental car can be taken
across the border, though.

One more question:  anyone on the list doing/wanting to do German
translation, could you email me **offlist**? My translator had a baby.
PS My husband doesn't quite put this trip into the "wonderful vacation"
category--no palm trees, more snow there than in MT but we're not skiing,
etc.etc. heheheh--I think I'll bill it as a "retreat".