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Re: George Eastman House grant

Thanks Steve, and all, for your comments,
You know after I return I'll be blabbing all the stuff I came across.
I've been organizing all my books/articles I have to date since hearing about the grant (almost 100 sources) and came across a whole book on the egg white gum print. Wow. So many things to sidetrack me.
Do you know that in this book get this: he combines his dichromate, formalin, and sizing in one step, and then paints on the pigmented gum with no dichromate as a second layer. How weird is that?? But I am finding that a lot of the juicy morsels are from the German turn of the century texts. Whole discussions devoted to who is right about how halftones are created! Goodness.

Christina Z. Anderson
Assistant Professor
Photo Option Coordinator
Montana State University
Visual Communications Building Room 220
Box 173350
Bozeman Montana 59718
----- Original Message ----- From: "stephen wasilewski" <steve_wasilewski@yahoo.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: George Eastman House grant


MSU placed the money well.  Your art and talent is
earning deserved appreciation.


--- "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>

Dear All,
I received some great news this week; I was awarded
a grant to fly to
Rochester and spend a week or two at the George
Eastman House researching
gum printing. It is such a wonderful feeling when
your university believes
in what you are doing!  Especially since I am in the
arts and not in the
field of science, where the usual funding money
flows to (MSU reached the
100 million mark this year).

Since I teach a full load next semester, Tom and I
will probably fly in
there the first week of January, if all goes
according to plan.  Is there
anyone on the list who lives there/any alt group who
will be having a
meeting there at that time? I know this is doubtful,
right after the
holidays, but it'd be great to get together an alt
list group! Daytime I
will be busy at the library, but it closes at 5:00.

I figured since RIT is in the area, there have got
to be some great photo
things going on.  And I assume Toronto is close by?
Close by Montana
standards, anyway--maybe 3 hours?  I don't know if a
rental car can be taken
across the border, though.

One more question:  anyone on the list doing/wanting
to do German
translation, could you email me **offlist**? My
translator had a baby.
PS My husband doesn't quite put this trip into the
"wonderful vacation"
category--no palm trees, more snow there than in MT
but we're not skiing,
etc.etc. heheheh--I think I'll bill it as a

Christina Z. Anderson
Assistant Professor
Photo Option Coordinator
Montana State University
Visual Communications Building Room 220
Box 173350
Bozeman Montana 59718

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