U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Alternatives at Rochester Re: George Eastman House grant

Re: Alternatives at Rochester Re: George Eastman House grant

Judy Seigel wrote:
I haven't been there for more years than I care to reveal, but there used to be a *wonderful* alternative operation near GEH... The Visual Studies Workshop. I haven't heard mention of them for years, but that was the place brought the "Breaking the Rules" mindset to the east coast. (Unlike most art, which at the time, was originating in New York, "crooked photography", and revival of old processes rolled in from the southwest and west coast.)

[more praise]
The Visual Studies Workshop is still alive and kicking. See http://www.vsw.org/

They recently hosted an alternative process gallery show called "Past Is Present," which was organized by the Laboratorium. It included work from a few members of this list.
