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RE: Lithium Chloropalladite...

I must have missed that one.  Thanks, I'll go take a look.

I've also been reprimanded for not looking in my alt process
textbook...it's in there too.  :)  I'll just cower back to my corner

Camden Hardy


On Thu, November 16, 2006 10:16 am, Loris Medici wrote:
> Camden I had pointed Jeffrey Mathias' Metal Solution Calculator page
> (which
> makes part of his Pt/Pd Manual) in one my messages (the tinyurl link).
> Follow that link for the answer of your question.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Camden Hardy [mailto:camden@hardyphotography.net]
> Sent: 16 Kasım 2006 Perşembe 17:46
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: RE: Lithium Chloropalladite...
> Eric,
>> I mix up 10 ml bottles of it when I make it. The down side to storing
>> any lithium chloride is that it is very deliquescent (sp), it absorbs
>> water from the air and turn into a liquid. So keep it tightly seal and
>> keep plenty of silica gel packs around it.
> I guess it's a good thing I live in a dry climate. :)
> I've never dealt with mixing palladium chloride with salts; how much of
> each
> would I want to use for, say, a 10ml batch?