U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Ware/Malde-Ziatype-DOP palladium,was RE: "New" Paper for Pt/Pd (an

RE: Ware/Malde-Ziatype-DOP palladium,was RE: "New" Paper for Pt/Pd (and other iron processes, too)


whereas for ziatype sodium tungstate is added to the
solution.  Humidity doesn't seem to be as much of a factor in color for
ziatype.  Of course, I could be entirely off-base here too...  :)

Ziatype color can be controlled by humidity and or additives. There are no
absolute guidelines about controlling the color of the print, however
Sullivan & Weese's book has a chart that gives some good information about
how additives affect color and contrast. The addition of tungstate is one of
the options.

Normally lithium palladium will produce a neutral toned print but if you
leave a coated paper in the dark and let it dry out it will shift quite

Don Bryant