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RE: Dry mounting gum prints

Thanks Chris and Kate for the feedback and tips. Kate if your tissue is
delaminating from the paper I would conjecture that your dry mount press
temperature is to hot. Seal makes some calibration strips that allows you to
trim in the temperature setting to the appropriate temperature range for the
tissue being used. Once I used these I no longer had problems with
delaminating. Another problem could possibly be uneven pressure of the
platen or cold or hot spots in the platen due to uneven heat distribution.



From: Kate M [mailto:kateb@paradise.net.nz] 
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 7:55 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: Dry mounting gum prints

Hi Don, I've had limited success with dry mounting my gum prints - not
because it affects the emulsion, but because the tissue tends to delaminate
from the paper! I can't say that I've noticed any deterioration in prints
that I've dry mounted.