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Re: Cleaning glass for dryplates

Hi all,

I hope it's not too late. Here's what I have used, and it's a little different. This is basically what people use in chem labs to really clean glassware. Make a saturated solution of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) in isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. You can substitute sodium hydroxide (lye) and ethyl alcohol if you can't find the others. Make enough to fill a tupperware container big enough to hold your plates flat. Then, just soak the plates in this solution overnight (seal the container) then rinse well with hot water, then with distilled water. This solution can be used again and again, just keep the tupperwear sealed so the alcohol doesn't evaporate.

Make sure you wear gloves and safety glasses when working with this solution!!

Even if you don't use this formula, it's important to rinse your plates with distilled water before they dry, especially if you have hard water.

Another useful trick is to rinse the plates with pure isopropyl alcohol or acetone after the distilled water to help them dry.

Hope this helps someone.

Good luck,
