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Re: Gold toning palladium prints

I have used the gold toning method outlined on the B&S website on both pure palladium and platinum palladium prints. Bottom line is: the more platinum in the print, the more bluish-black the tone will get, and the more palladium in the print, the more the tone veers towards mauve. A gold toned pure palladium print is not very attractive in my book, but the 50/50 pt/pd prints were quite attractive in my opinion. The toning also increased the Dmax slightly. You will need gold chloride, sodium formate and HC110 or dektol developer.
On Dec 12, 2006, at 1:01 PM, Camden Hardy wrote:

In reading the thread about gold toner solutions, it occurred to me that
I've never actually seen a gold-toned palladium print. Is the effect only
color, or does it add a glossy look? Does anyone have a side by side
comparison of a toned vs untoned print that I could look at (as best I can
on a computer monitor, of course)?


Camden Hardy
