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Re: Who is this Pierre Desjardins person and why is s/he haunting me?


maybe he is just trying to be helpful—you often complain that it is hard to find things at  your place.... hehehe

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System
PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups

In a message dated 12/16/06 5:28:15 PM, jseigel@panix.com writes:

I'm getting a repeat set of each day's e-mails to the list from someone
calling themselves Pierre Desjardins... No comment, just a copy. Is that
special for me, or is everyone on the list getting it?

I assume it's some kind of mistaken setting on his/her mail server, but if
s/he's real, maybe s/he can turn it off. (PLEASE !)
