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Re: Digital Negatives & PT/PD / language & Grammar Police


I would have replied  sooner, but apparently not all the posts to the list are reaching me—perhaps this is due to the flood of "Karen Emails".  Karen promised that she would be back at her desk by January 8, but here it is January 9 and they are still  coming through.

I stand corrected regarding my use of the English language.  You are correct—I should have said "Dick & me" instead of "Dick & I"—it's not that I don't give a dick, I had a momentary lapse in grammar.  Thanks for pointing this out to me.  I think perhaps the list should award you the honorary title of Grammar Policeperson.

I hope that my error has not caused any sustained state of shock.

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System
PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups

In a message dated 1/9/07 11:50:43 AM, iodideshi@yahoo.co.jp writes:


True, languages are in constant evolution, and "The Rules"
are often slow to keep up with the rest of us!

but are you sure that

"Me and my friend went to a workshop."

is right

and that

"...consider joining Dick and I in this exciting

is wrong?

I seem to recall that the "rule" was that the first person
singular was "I" when it was the subject and "me" when it
was the object of the verb.

Could please confirm/clarify???

on or off,

