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RE: Lithium palladium vs. "normal" palladium

I forgot to say I use 40% AFO.

I checked the figures (something I had to do earlier):

Remember the formula in the book "The New Platinum Print"?

1.7g LiCl + 2.3g PdCl2 + water to make 25ml

2.3g PdCl2 in 25ml will give

2.3 / 177.33 (1) x 1000 (2) / 25 (3) = 0.51M Li2[PdCl4] solution

(1) Molar mass of PdCl2
(2) Molar concentration = matter in 1000ml
(3) Formula is for 25ml, therefore I had to interpolate by multiplying the amnt. with 1000 / 25 to find the molar concentration (see 2).

According to 2:1 ratio of AFO to Li2[PdCl4], I have to use 0.51 x 2 = 1.02M AFO (in other words: 1.02 x 428.067 (1) ~= 436g in 1000ml (43.6%). It seems that my iron solution is substantially weak - will try 45% later...

I'm not confused about point #1 (in my previous message) anymore.

(1) Molar mass of AFO


Quoting Loris Medici <mail@loris.medici.name>:

(I always had the feeling that I was loosing Pd when doing Ziatypes,
because the clearing bath was a light shade Pd brown - instead of the
yellow I get in other iron processes...) This is confusion #1...