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RE: Lithium palladium vs. normal palladium

A few things have happened. First of all my densitometer was safely put
away. Second my last tests were all made with Arches Platine, some years
ago. I just looked it up and I was using about 1.5 ml metal plus 1,5
sensitizer, single coat for a 12x20 inch print. In those days I developed my
double coat method (explained some months ago). I am a POP and brush man.
After getting trouble with Arches I started to work on COT 320 but, since
COT is well sized I needed not that much sensitizer (water?) anymore but did
not check on Dmax. I always print with clean borders and am a grey loving
person. I don't use so much black in my prints. Of course I had more reasons
to believe that my amount of sensitizer was sufficient but that goes to far
to discuss in public. It is funny how you can drift away and still have the
notion that you are very close to the shore.


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: kerik@kerik.com [mailto:kerik@kerik.com] 
Verzonden: donderdag 18 januari 2007 21:55
Aan: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Onderwerp: Re: Lithium palladium vs. normal palladium


Those number are very similar to the amount of sensitizer I use as well.


Original Message:
From: Loris Medici mail@loris.medici.name
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 22:15:26 +0200
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Lithium palladium vs. normal palladium

12 x 20 = 240 / 10 = 24 * 0.2 = 4.8ml,
12 x 20 = 240 / 10 = 24 * 0.15 = 3.6ml.

See? Even at 0.15ml per 10 square inches, I use about 80% more than Witho!?


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