U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: dark gums

RE: dark gums

Well, I haven't found this procedure by mysef (I mean by doing extensive
testing) - it's just a synthesis of what I've read in the list, heard in
Keith's Istanbul gum  workshop and on-line resources (like Katharine's
site, Sam's article in unblinkingeye, your site and many others). All
the info presented in these resources lets us rookies to start with
ballpark figures and procedures - making our lives easier (faster and
more effective tuning). Many thanks to experienced individuals kindly
sharing their experience with others...


-----Original Message-----
From: Christina Z. Anderson [mailto:zphoto@montana.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:03 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: dark gums

Hi Ilana and Loris,

This is interesting how you explain it all, Loris, to find out I do it 
pretty much as you--the film cannisters are only about 30ml if I am not 
mistaken and I mix my stock solution into a 60 ml container but use a
more stock than you do in my final mix (and use colorized PDN negs, too)
I have found, too, that about 1/2 tsp/2.5ml coats an 8x10, and I mix my


  • References:
    • Re: dark gums
      • From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>