U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Amidol Rare or Valuable?

Re: Amidol Rare or Valuable?

Dan, I just received your phone message and will give you a call back
when I get out for lunch, but I would highly suggest holding onto the
Amidol. Other than the big amidol purchase from China which had
numerous delays, I can't think of any large/cheap amidol purchases in
recent history.

-Jeremy Moore-

ps: thank you for the kind words, not to mention the stunning images
you shared with me. I came back and printed some images on the silver
rag and here's a shot of me (by my good friend and fellow graduate
student, Tom Leitinger) inspecting an image:
http://tomleininger.blogspot.com/2007/01/jeremy.html (You may
recognize the hat =D )