U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Fwd: pric 31-Jan-2007

Re: Fwd: pric 31-Jan-2007


Many viruses gather all the addresses from an email program and randomly take 
choose an address to "spoof" as the sender, and take another as the 

The message is most likely from someone with both Sandy and Katherine's email 
address saved by their email program.  Its likely from a subscriber to this 
list.  The message does not appear to have gone through the list though - its 
not in my email.

Everyone please check their antivirus programs - it must have updated virus 
information the be useful.  Using antivirus program that does not have 
current virus information is like having no antivirus program at all.

Free ones are AVG http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1
and Clamwin http://www.clamwin.com/

please limit the smug mac virus comments :)


On Wednesday 31 January 2007 8:54 am, Sandy King wrote:
> I received the message below. Appears that someone has harvested
> Katherine Thayer's email address and is using it to send SPAM. I
> assume this was done through the alt-photo-process list since there
> has been no direct communication between Katherine and me for some
> time.
> Sandy
> >Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 08:23:40 -0600
> >To: "Sanking" <sanking@CLEMSON.EDU>
> >From: "Kthayer" <kthayer@pacifier.com>
> >Subject: pric 31-Jan-2007
> >X-Spam-Level: xx
> >X-Scanned-By: mx1.clemson.edu mimedefang 2.56 on
> >X-Chzlrs: 0
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >WARNING: This e-mail has been altered by MIMEDefang.  Following this
> >paragraph are indications of the actual changes made.  For more
> >information about your site's MIMEDefang policy, contact
> >MIMEDefang Administrator <defang-admin@clemson.edu>.  For more
> >information about MIMEDefang, see:
> >
> >             http://www.roaringpenguin.com/mimedefang/enduser.php3
> >
> >An attachment named new_price31-Jan-2007.zip was removed from this
> >document as it
> >constituted a security hazard.  If you require this document, please
> > contact the sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.

Gordon J. Holtslander		Dept. of Biology
gordon.holtslander@usask.ca	University of Saskatchewan
Tel 306 966-4433		112 Science Place
Fax 306 966-4462		Saskatoon SK., CANADA
homepage.usask.ca~gjh289		S7N 5E2