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Announcing the f295 Symposium

  • To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
  • Subject: Announcing the f295 Symposium
  • From: Tom Persinger <tp@tompersinger.com>
  • Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 15:41:31 -0500
  • Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
  • List-id: alt-photo-process mailing list <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
  • Reply-to: Tom Persinger <tp@tompersinger.com>
  • Resent-date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 14:41:44 -0600 (CST)
  • Resent-from: alt-photo-process-error@skyway.usask.ca
  • Resent-message-id: <200702012041.l11KfilN026204@www.usask.ca>
  • Resent-reply-to: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca

I've been a member off and on over the past few years and wanted to let you all know about the f295 Symposium on Lensless, Alternative and Adaptive Photographic Processes to be held in Pittsburgh, PA USA 26-29 April 2007. The event consists of lectures, round-table discussion, workshops and exhibitions.

The speakers and round-table discussion is being held in conjunction with The Center for the Arts in Society at Carnegie Mellon University as part of The Perspectives on the Arts in Society Series on Friday 27 April. 

Speakers and topics include:
Tom Persinger - Introduction: 'Simple' Methods in a Complex World
Jo Babcock - Contemporary Pinhole Photography and its Place in Photographic History
Craig Barber - Photography and Memory
Barbara Ess - Reality, Representation and Lo-Fi Image-Making
Alan Greene - Steps Leading to Primitive Photography
Patricia Katchur - Back to Basics: The Renaissance in Alternative and Historic Photographic Processes
Terry King, FRPS - Retro-Invention: A Revolution in Gold and Blue
Mike Robinson - The Daguerreotype: Past, Present & Perfect.

Workshops are being offered on Saturday and Sunday 28- 29 April at various locations in the city and include:
The Artists’ Book
Cyanotype Rex
One Day Daguerreotype Workshop
Gum Rex
On Location: Pittsburgh without a Lens
The Pinhole Camera
Primitive Photography: Camera and Lens Making
One Day Wet Plate Workshop

Exhibitions include:
The Craft of the Camera
Daguerreotypes Past and Present
Speculum: Photograms by Sue Abramson
The f295 Symposium Exhibition

More information may be found on the symposium website: http://www.f295.org/wordpress/

Complete registration information will be released shortly.


Tom Persinger
f295 LLC
Pittsburgh, PA USA