U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: gravure

Re: gravure

Do you site like in web site or site w/a real, not virtual, person? If the latter, we have a class at present being
run by an expert from Crown Point Press. Your student may desire to contact her via email for further info.
Jack Fulton

On February2007, at 2:29 PM, Weber, Scott wrote:

I have a student who is very interested in making photogravures. Can any one
recommend a site for information or are any of you involved in this process?

Scott B. Weber
Associate Professor of Photography
Department of Fine Arts
Barry University
11300 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami Shores, Florida 33161
(305) 899 4922

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Barry University - Miami Shores, FL (http://www.barry.edu)

  • References:
    • gravure
      • From: "Weber, Scott" <sweber@mail.barry.edu>