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Forte factory closing - event at 14. February

I forwarding now to the list the (not too well) translated version of the following message. I hope it is on topic...

Bálint Flesch
Budapest, Hungary


14. February. 2007. the last workday at the photopaper packing section of Forte.

The Forteinvest Ltd., the totalPLAN Visual Association, the Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House and
the Hungarian Museum of Photography waiting the photographers who want to remember to the feelings at the darkroom, while making first prints, the smell of the chemicals, etc.

Date: 14. February. 2007. 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

Forte Factory,
Hungary, Vác, Vám u. 3.


The Forte-feeling

A tour in the Forte factory, founded 1922.
Start at 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.

At 2.00 p.m. a conversation about the Forte related remembers at the canteen of the factory. Forte stories and photographs on Forte materials or other Forte relics are welcomed.

Moderator: Szandtner Dániel

The last day product will stamped with a
"ForteForever - Az utolsó kiszerelés -
2007. február 14." ("ForteForever - The last package - 14. February. 2007.") text - about the plan of organizers.


till 13. February at the
totalplan@totalplan.hu e-mail address

Information: Kóczán Gábor, +36-20 260 1724,
koczan.gabor@tekodema.hu; www.totalplan.hu




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