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Re: "Macs just WORK" - Indeed they don't, or not for long

I don't know, Judy. I've been using OSX for 5 or 6 years on laptops (Powerbook G4 now), with Classic, and I've never had any real problems switching back and forth. In fact, all my graphics programs are still the OS9 versions (this is a bit embarrassing, but 9/11 killed my business, I ran out of upgrade money). For word processing, I think that Word started life as an abomination and got worse, so I used WriteNow as long as possible, then switched wp stuff to Framemaker (which is lovely), now use Mariner for day to day stuff and save files as text and/or pdf whenever I have to go external. Also, no problems on hooking up external devices, they all work; although most of the older stuff like scanners and high level inkjets live on an OS9 9600, with no problems.

I've programmed/used all sorts of computers over the last 37 years, from 360 mainframes to iPods, including Windows (although, it takes courage to go outside our NT network and even contemplate 95, XP, etc.). I still use Macs for all user level activity, that is, everything except programming; although with the programming business still dead, user level stuff is all I do now.


Judy Seigel wrote:
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Ender100@aol.com wrote:

pssssst psssst hey bob.... I have been using Microsoft Word on the Mac for
YEARS...... haven't you heard? There is a Mac version! hehehehehe
Oh yeah, Word 5.1 was the perfect program, but they have to sell upgrades every year... 6.5 was the program from hell, & I peeled off. I kept 5.1 on a partition, but it got too tricky... my G-4 spooked the partitions... But then I discovered that the word processor in Pagemaker worked like a charm... all the functions of word 5.1 plus page layout when you wanted it. HOWEVER, because the world is full of the brain dead, Pagemaker got swamped by Quark, & when I need to send a file to a printer or resurrect an old file to reprint an early Post-Factory -- Pagemaker & its fonts are declared OBSOLETE. I have to make PDFs for the printer... but the moment I turn my back, G-4 uninstalls all my fonts, so making the *&^%$#$%^&*(+@* PDFs is hell.

Partly it's payback for keeping system 9 in a partition --what the brainiacs at Apple call "classic," but which was I'd bet never out of beta, just a ploy to get us to "upgrade" and take X. People say they like X better, I won't torture you with its shortcomings.... except to say I have $10,000 worth of peripherals that won't work on 10 & don't like the substitute hardware or programs at any price. But I've said this before.

As for "stable" -- I had several months of crash-a-minute until the trouble was traced to a dying keyboard. Did I mention that no keyboards are made that do 9 any more? Apple said "try E-Bay." I got one that a kind techy explained would do both 9 & 10 except it won't open the disk drawer (did I mention planned obsolescence, the s--ts?). I have a "secret" way of opening the CD drawer.... but then the mouse died, and no mice do 9 AND 10 any more, except the NYU computer store had misfit that will (also, BTW, Microsoft)... as long as it lasts. (Maybe I should get a spare ?)

Which is to say, I prefer to choose my programs, not have them shoved down my throat. That's not in their plan.
