DEAR PT/PD MOGULS, MAESTROS & GURUS ON THIS LIST, Please help me resolve what appears to be a conflict in both the literature and common wisdom. Here are the two conflicting bits of info: 1) You must not use a hydrochloric first clearing bath when printing with palladium as it will bleach the print, even though the concentration should be around 1 to 1.5 %. 2) Recently, when I asked the list if there was any way to slightly reduce the density of a Palladium print I was told that the concentration of HCl necessary to have any effect would be so high that it would be dangerous to use in a regular darkroom and might have deleterious effects on the paper. I was told to just make another, lighter print. *********So, you can see my dilemma. Is this not a contradiction? 'Tis a puzzlement! Please enlighten it were! CHEERS! BOB Please check my website: "Live as if you are going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you are going to live forever". Mahatma Gandhi