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Re: solarized gums?

On Feb 14, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Katharine Thayer wrote:

Sorry, I'm told this doesn't link; the "l" got left off "html." try this:


if anyone's interested in looking at that page.

On Feb 13, 2007, at 12:21 PM, Loris Medici wrote:

Hi Katharine,

This (as Ilana describes) is no doubt the phenomenon you name "tonal inversion". I've read the page that you wrote about this issue again and don't agree with you in:

"...The remedy, of course, the way to eliminate the tonal inversion, is simply to reduce the pigment/gum ratio..."

Because I've experienced the same effect with a lightly pigmented blue 31-step tablet print before. See:


The scan doesn't show it well but, to my bare eyes there's definitely paper white at steps 18, 19 (and maybe 20) + there's definitely tone (where there shouldn't be) at steps 20+.

I guess we'll agree that the pigment concentration I used on that print is not excessive since that is easily judged by the scan -> this is Phtalo Blue; as we all know, this is a dark pigment with immense covering power...



Hi Ilana,
My own experience, observations and tests don't support the notion that failure to clear (aka pigment stain) is a function of underexposure, so I wouldn't agree with your tentative conclusion that "parts that should clear are not, because they have not received enough light." If you're interested, some test strips showing the lack of relationship I found between stain and exposure are here:


It sounds like what is happening to your highlights, if I understand the description accurately, is a phenomenon some people call "tonal inversion." For my take on this phenom, see


Hope any of that is useful to you,