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Re: questions on paper

Thank you, Ray, Charles and Joachim.

Yes, this is for use in pinhole cameras, and yes, an ASA of 1 (or 3 or
6) sounds ... well, slower than molasses in the wintertime. However, the
group of students I'm working with is used to it -- last year we made
cyanotype photograms.

I do intend to make a batch of test shots, and I'll be using a meter,
but I didn't have any idea where to start with my tests.


joachim oppenheimer wrote:

>That's a good starting point because that's about the ASA of most bromide
>papers.  Try running a few sample negatives. My excperience with enlarginmg
>paper was not satisfactory. I stick with film and generally use Tri-X but I
>still need to make test runs based on light conditions. (I pick as close to
>similar light conditions as I can manage). Joachim
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ryberg [mailto:cryberg@comcast.net]
>Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 11:32 AM
>To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
>Subject: Re: questions on paper
>I have a pretty vague memory that you should start with ISO 6 if you are
>using B&W enlarging paper in a pinhole camera.
>Charles    Portland, OR