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Re: Baby Powder and Solar Plate

Hi Keith,

It's definitely a concern, but the Krene plastic on the frame (as opposed to glass) seems to contain any excess powder pretty well, keeping most of it from getting sucked into the vacuum tubes.

I also try to make sure the amount on the surface of the plate is minimal and the back is clean. I also clean the frame between uses. Oh -- I also don't have the factory blanket on the bed with the little pyramid nubs coming in contact with the plate, that would make cleaning powder a total pain -- I have a piece of hard, flat plastic on top of the rubber blanket.

In general I print on Rives BFK 280gm. I also like Hahnemuller Copperplate warm white 300gm.


Robert Newcomb wrote:
Hi Jon,
Does the baby powder get sucked down into the vacuum pump and cause any problems with that and/or create a general mess in your frame?

<The remedy for me has been baby powder, very lightly dusted over plate with a hake brush (Jan gave me the idea several years ago).>


Robert Newcomb