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Re: the humunculus said no


Which browser are you using?

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System
PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups

In a message dated 2/23/07 12:12:03 AM, jseigel@panix.com writes:

Actually, it's verizon's fault. My daughter pays verizon enough for a
small family to live on every month for a DSL line that comes and goes
like inspiration. Three Big Fags have alas disappeared, but now apt.15
fills in when needed. But I've got to get on Verizon's case... anyway,
this is NOT G4's fault,,,, tho can anyone tell me where the "refresh
button" is? (Daughter claims I should push it. Tho I don't think it will
help, I'm willing to try. She has pc so claims ignorance of Mac.)

I did by the way get to that website by asking somewhat crossly, again,
via "apt 15." And I want to say, sorry folks, if the person who prepared
those pages worked for me, I'd fire them.  I mean apart from the bad
diction. This may be the perfect example of someone who knows the material
and THINKS they've explained it, but hasn't. They've done some pretty
diagrams, some less pretty, but after re-reading 8 or more times I felt
I'd gotten about 12 % of what was purportedly being explained, and I can't
possibly be the stupidest person on the internet.

Folks here, like Susan, for instance, almost certainly know the content in
advance, so the illustrations and metaphors are like embellishments, or
maybe refinements, but fail to inform or orient the non-initiate.

Then again, they may be intended for "the field," not the newby, in which
case I'd still fire the writer for not knowing when to use "affect" and
when "effect"

PS. Don, I'm in OS X.3.9 --- what more do you WANT ?!

Coming up next:  "My very own stalker."


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