U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: My Very Own Stalker

Re: My Very Own Stalker

   Well, you've now posted it to the entire list.
I thought it not inappropriate to share.

Are you unable to decode the MIME encoded binary sent as part of the e-mail or do you not have the program to open PDF files? There are freeware programs to do both even for Unix or Mac.
Could you ask that again in English?

I think the answer to part B is no. I'm anyway not inclined to get a special program to read an unsolicited, apparently rude, message from a stalker.

I've certainly been on this list without decoding any mime encoded binaries since 1994, a task for which I do have other resources when and if indicated.

Though I thank you very kindly anyway for your help.
