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RE: solarplate images up on my website

Hi Jack,

It may work -> I absolutely have no idea!? I guess it depends how the
effect will be close the original (the resulting pattern after fusing) +
more importantly, how much UV light the fused fine toner particles will
hold back... Something more to think about: warping the mylar sheet in
the owen(?), toner sticking to polymer plate(?)...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Brubaker [mailto:jack@jackbrubaker.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 8:25 PM
To: alt-phot-process list
Subject: Re: solarplate images up on my website

Chris, Jon, Loris et al,

The original aquatints for copper gravure were done in an aquatint box
to deposit a fine and even dust of rosin. If that method worked well
enough in the past why not create a similar positive by putting black
copier toner in a similar box and depositing it on a sheet of Mylar and
fuse it in the oven. Courser "toners" are made for powder coating if a
courser screen was needed.
