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Re: the humunculus said no

Title: Re: the humunculus said no

I’m a little late on this one, but I’ll add my suggestion.  

You’re checking your email via Terminal, right?  I recommend opening up a new Terminal window and enter this command:
curl –o ~/StochasticScreening.pdf http://www.bsink.com/tech/StochasticScreening.pdf

This will download the pdf file to your home folder on the Mac, then you can open it in Preview.

Unless you’ve got Adobe Acrobat (or some other pdf browser plugin) installed on a Mac, Firefox and Safari (or any other browser) won’t open a pdf, which is likely why you can’t open it with your browser.

Camden Hardy


On 2/23/07 12:47 AM, "Ender100@aol.com" <Ender100@aol.com> wrote:

Have you tried Safari or FireFox?

In a message dated 2/23/07 1:04:41 AM, jseigel@panix.com writes:

Something called Camino, which the person who helped me set up said was
good (like I'd heard of any of them). But as far as I can tell, the
problem is daughter's signal vanishing.... Camino gets "apt15" perfectly
well, tho it feels a bit spooky to use it. (And what if "apt.15" moves
out -- or encrypts?)

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System <http://www.precisiondigitalnegatives.com/>
PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PDNPrint/>
www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com <http://www.markinelsonphoto.com/>

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