U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: venetian blinds, Epson 1280

Re: venetian blinds, Epson 1280

Based on my experience with this problem on several Epson printers, IMHO the only real and true fix is EBAY.


At 9:44 PM -0500 3/2/07, SusanV wrote:
Can anyone please tell me what to do about my Epson 1280 printing with
those little horozontal lines... I assume that's what I see referred
to as venetian blinds?  Is there any fix?  I'm trying to get some good
positives on OHP for photogravure, then these darned lines start
showing up.

gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
website www.dalyvoss.com