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RE: SPE conference

Hi Chris,

Actually I am on the host committee for the SPE conference in Miami. Barry
University is the host institution this year. I will be all over the place
making sure our student volunteers show up and do their jobs! I would love
to meet any of you that read this list. You can come by our booth #26 and
leave me your phone or room number and I'll give you a call. For any one
attending please don't miss the reception on Friday evening 7-10 at the
Margulies collection. This is one of the finest private photographic
collections in the world. Not to mention free food and booze. I look forward
to meeting some of you Alt List people next week. 

Scott B. Weber
Associate Professor of Photography
Department of Fine Arts
Barry University 
11300 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami Shores, Florida 33161
(305) 899 4922 

-----Original Message-----
From: Christina Z. Anderson [mailto:zphoto@montana.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Alt, List
Subject: SPE conference

It's that time of year again--Society of Photographic Educators conference 
in a warm place--Miami--next week.  I am going--anyone else from the list 

Somehow (darn) I couldn't get my frequent flyer ticket out of here just 
before the conference so I HAVE to fly down and go to Key Largo for 5 days 
just before the conference.  Tough tour of professional duty.

If anyone is around the PhotoEye booth on Friday from 11-11:45 during the 
conference they have me signing my books at that time.  Don't ask me 
why--it's not like anyone can read my signature nor even needs it to use my 
books, but I'll be there nevertheless!

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Barry University - Miami Shores, FL (http://www.barry.edu) 

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