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Re: Plate Cutter/Draw Tool

Hi Susan, As I am not acquainted with polymer plates such as the steel ones you are using, I can only imagine how annoying it must be with the shavings. My experience with dust grain gravure on copper plates, approx fifteen years back, was enough for me to shelve the project, altogether, like yourself. But I was under the impression that phtopolymer plates were now being produced with a type of plastic base. Maybe it was in my dreams of a really user friendly non -etch gravure process coming to light. I find your blog etc., is very impressive and inspiring. Thanks.
Regards. John- Photographist - London - UK
----- Original Message ----- From: "SusanV" <susanvoss3@gmail.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Plate Cutter/Draw Tool


Thanks for the info and link!

I have a draw blade but have had trouble with the steel shavings it
creates getting stuck to the rather sticky surface of the polymer.
They don't just brush off the way they do with zinc or copper plates.
That's why I'm exploring other ways. happy though for any and all
suggestions :o)


On 3/13/07, John Grocott <john.grocott403@ntlworld.com> wrote:

A tool for scoring deep cuts in plates by removing the actual material,
metal or plastic, which then enables the sheet to be divided by snapping can
be purchased from a printmakers suppliers.Its called a ''Draw Tool'' and has
been used for many years by printmakers. ( approx. £20-00)
Best of luck .
John Grocott- Photographist- London - UK

gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
website www.dalyvoss.com