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Re: Cleric's Gold Toner


There are several editions of Clerc. The one I have in front of me is:

Clerc, Louis Philippe. Photography, theory and practice. English
edition of "La technique", by L.P. Clerc, edited by George E. Brown.
London: Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd., 1930.

There are also later editions from Pitman, Focal Press and Amphoto some of which differ considerably from the earlier editions. I'll send you a PDF of the formulas in the 1930 edition.

Robert W. Schramm wrote:

Thanks for the formula and the correction on the spelling. It looks like reagents are acids or salts
so my guess is that the toner is already acidic. I doubt if the additional Tartaric Acid would change the pH so are likely correct in that all it would do would be to dilute the toner. With toners, sometimes a slight changed can produce an interesting result.


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