Re: Powdered pigments?
Hi Jacek, I'm glad to see that you're getting started. It's interesting that gum has become to seem so counterintuitive that one would start out assuming that what seems like the logical way to proceed must not be the way to go.... I don't know any reason why you shouldn't do exactly as you propose. I'm glad Dick answered; I wouldn't have thought there would be enough gum arabic in the pan colors for gum printing and you'd need to add more gum. But there's another example of the fallacy of assuming anything about gum printing. But I'm curious; why would you choose the pan colors instead of the tubes, or powdered pigment? Seems like more work than either; are pan colors cheaper than tubes or powdered pigment? One thing to note is that most gum printers (Dick's dime-store example to the contrary) recommend using artist grade colors, whichever form you buy them in. Student grade paints sometimes introduce problems because of added fillers and binders, and it's just as well to avoid unneccessary variables from the beginning. Katharine On Apr 12, 2007, at 2:14 AM, Jacek wrote: Hi all,