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Re: Family snaps to gum bichromate

On Fri, 13 Apr 2007, Don Sweet wrote:

Would anyone in the group like to recommend whether I should produce the necessary negatives:

1. Taking the best negatives to be scanned by a photo processor - I have been quoted a resolution of 1200 dpi - and use Photoshop to make colour separations, or

2. Get some more 6 x 4 prints made by a photo processor and scan them myself at something like 400 dpi, and then use Photoshop, or

3. Make colour separations myself on document film using a slide copier and filters, and enlarge them on to lith film.

Don, opinion will vary (as does gum), but 400 dpi is plenty... gum has a huge dot gain. #2 sounds best.. tho if you have a transparency scanner you could do it all from original neg & skip reprinting if you want. (tho you might like to have clean prints anyway?)

Lith film if you're used to it is fine, tho if not, it can take some getting used to to keep contrast low enough for gum. I don't know what "document" film is, unless you mean reversal ? But really, if you have an inkjet printer, you can do it all in one operation with digital negative
