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RE: Unknown area in Gum printing?

Don't buy that much; formalin polimerizes depending on storage vessel &
conditions (you'll see white floating flakes inside the bottle when that
happens). I buy in 1lt plastic packaging and refresh it every year; cost
is not an issue to me.  ($2 per lt here in Istanbul, Turkey). BTW, don't
skip Christina's suggestion of sizing with gum+dichromate...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacek [mailto:gonsaj@iinet.net.au] 
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 11:00 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Unknown area in Gum printing?


Thanks for that. I have to readjust how I brush the coating. Change the
pigment concentration and get some hardening. The hardener, I just spent
a whole lot of time sourcing it and came up with only one company only
selling 5 litres of formaldehyde and nothing less, one of the reasons
I'm reluctant to get it. I cant even get it from overstate or overseas
with all the security regulations :| Though I havent looked for others
like Chrome alum or glyoxal, I think its best if I do. Cheers guys.