Kreene Question
This question is for anyone using Kreene in place of the glass in a vacuum frame. I'm still using glass in my vacuum frame which is fine for platinum, gum and any paper based processes, but it has become a problem for gravure. I don't get the 'measles' , as Susan describes the small round patches, but rather contact problems around the edge of the plate. This has become a problem only recently since changing my supplier of Printight plates from Anderson and Vreeland to Boxcar. I was buying full size A2 sheets from A and V but Boxcar cuts the smaller A3s from larger sheets. I don't know if this is a contributing factor or just coincidence - either way I'll continue to order from Boxcar as they're nicer to deal with and cheaper. But this is the question. I've ordered a roll of Kreene from them to replace the glass and I know it's used to hold fine serifs, type and detail, but will it lower or eliminate contact problems in anyone's opinion? Also, is it suitable to use with platinum printing? I know Jon Lybrook uses it - anyone else? Thanks! Keith. |