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RE: Christina Anderson show


The new images are wonderful. Congratulations. Roger thanks for hosting and making it accesible to all of us.

Marek Matusz 

From:  permadocument <info@permadocument.be>
Reply-To:  alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
To:  alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject:  Christina Anderson show
Date:  Wed, 02 May 2007 14:24:13 +0200
>Dear List,
>We take pleasure to announce the two month exhibit of the work of Christina
>Anderson at Atelier pH7.
>Christina's  "The Spiritual Landscape" shows a kaleidoscope of alternative
>process works from 2004 to 2007 with an accent on her beautiful color gum
>This exciting exhibit can be visited at:
>Her actual prints can be admired during may and june 2007 at Atelier pH7 in
>For those of you who visit Belgium or who live relatively nearby we warmly
>recommend to come over to admire Christina's masterly gum prints. On
>appointment only from monday thru friday.
>With our warmest greetings, 

>Atelier pH7 = european experimental art gallery, since 1998, devoted
>exclusively to historic and alternative photographic processes. If
>interested to exhibit in Brussels, please consult our conditions and send us
>your proposition to info@permadocument.be
>Roger Kockaerts
>Permadocument - pH7
>Rue des Balkans, 7
>B-1180 Brussels
>Tel.:32-2-347 66 76
>Fax: 32-2-344 43 04
>TVA: BE 0438 246 889
>web page: <http://www.permadocument.be>

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